Lüscher Technologies
Thank you to Lüscher Technologies for hosting our sales team and providing training on the Computer to Plate (CTP) system.
Lüscher Technologies is an industry leader in CTP technology, which allows printers to transfer digital files directly to printing plates. This eliminates the need for film and chemical processing, making printing much more efficient.
During the training at Lüscher’s, our sales team was able to get hands-on experience with the latest CTP systems. They learned how the technology works and all the benefits it provides for printers.
The team came away very impressed with the innovations Lüscher has made in CTP and we appreciate Lüscher taking the time to share their expertise with us and give our sales team an inside look at their products.
If you would like to learn more about Lüscher Technologies and how amazing their CTP products are, you can visit their website at luescher.com